Friday, September 16, 2011

Third Trimester Already?!

Oh my third trimester starts SUNDAY! I cannot believe it! Our sweet boy is going to be here in no time. I can't wait!

Clayton is really able to feel and see Knox moving around these days. I love seeing his face when he can see him moving. I can't wait to see him hold his son for the first time. It makes me teary eyed just thinking about it! Thank you, pregnancy hormones.

There is nothing really new to report. I had my monthly doctors appointment yesterday. She has this fancy new ultrasound machine that she doesn't really know how to use yet, so yesterday she had the lady that sold it to her there to show her some things. Well, lucky for me, I was the first appointment of the day so I got a little bonus ultrasound out of the deal! I absolutely love seeing his little face and hands and feet and his precious heart beating strong. I am so in love! Who knew you could love someone that you've never met SO much?

My doctor told me that he looks just perfect and he is measuring exactly on schedule. He is breech right now though and he is WAY over in my left side with his head right under my ribs. I guess he's cozy there! She said we'd check on him again at my next appointment and see if he has decided to flip over yet. She wasn't concerned and said she wouldn't worry about it until 34 weeks. So if she's not worried, neither am I!

The nursery is ALMOST done being painted! I love the color. I am also dropping the fabric off this evening for his bedding to be made. I painted his dresser over the weekend too! Eventually it will all come together. I can't wait to share pictures when it's done!

I guess that's about it! I wish my life was as boring as it seemed. It's just that nothing I do is worth writing about. (: Here is my picture for this post! We'll just call it 27 weeks. I've been such a slacker!

1 comment:

  1. So glad everything is going well and I love that outfit!!
