Monday, December 12, 2011

39 Weeks! Come on Knox!

Praying for good news at the doctor today! I feel like I've been such a wimp the past few days. It's like all of a sudden I just can't take it. And I am so tired of everyone telling me to sleep now...I can't sleep people! I haven't slept in weeks! At least when the baby is here I will have a REASON to be up all night! I really shouldn't be complaining. I have had the best pregnancy and I really have loved being pregnant, but I am so ready to meet our little man. And I am just miserable. I woke up this morning and my arms/hands and legs/feet were all asleep and tingly, I had a horrible headache, and I felt like I had been hit by a truck. So I'm hoping that I go to the doctor today and she says "It's a good day/week to have a baby!" If she tells me to come back in a week I might cry. Anyway, I have on the same top today that I had on at 35 weeks, so I decided to compare the two...and I'm thinking he still looks lower at 35 weeks. When I looked in the mirror yesterday, it looked like he had dropped a little more but then this morning it was like I had imagined it. I think he hears that we are going to the doctor and makes his way back up so he doesn't have to come out! Either way, I am obviously not feeling/looking quite as chipper as I did at 35 weeks! Hopefully the next news I have will be that we are having a baby!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

38 (and a half) Weeks!

It is so hard to believe that my due date is NEXT weekend! I was telling Clayton last night that it seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and was completely freaking out.

I am still having some weird issues with my blood pressure. My doctor is a little concerned, but she's being very cautious. She told me Monday that if I had been a little more dilated and effaced she would have just gone ahead and sent me to the hospital to be induced. She is really trying to hold off on inducing until Knox is a little closer to ready to come on his own. As thankful as I am for that, I am also very ready to have him! My blood pressure just seems to be slowly rising every time it is checked. I had to go back Tuesday morning for a shot and she checked it again and it was higher than it was Monday. I don't have any other symptoms of pre-ecclampsia, so she sent me for some lab work and I had to do a 24 hour urine collection (which I will spare you all the lovely details of). My lab work came back fine, so we are just waiting for the other results. She should get them today or tomorrow and she said that if there is anything even slightly off we will go ahead and induce. If not, we will re-evaluate Monday. Sooo we will see! I'm hoping he decides to come on his own this weekend. My doctor is on call and everything!

I went out with the amazing Stephanie Davis and took some maternity pictures the other day. She is so amazingly talented! Here are a few of them...

The one of his shoes on the tractor is one of my favorites! We had talked about using boots to put on the tractor, but I decided that his converse represented the combination of Clayton and I very well. (: We had so much fun!

My life has FINALLY calmed down this week. Last week was almost the death of me. I don't think there was a single night that I got home before 10pm. I stayed home the last two days and tried to get some rest. Clayton even took me out to dinner last night because he was so proud of me for not doing anything yesterday! (:

I can't believe Christmas is in a few short weeks! I'm so excited to have Knox here! Here is my 38 week (and a half) picture!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Nursery!

Here it is! It is finally (mostly) done! Or at least as done as it is going to be before he gets here! Sorry the pictures aren't very good. I took them with my phone because I didn't feel like searching for a camera. (:

His bumper and quilt were handmade by an amazing seamstress. Her work is impeccable and her prices are amazing. If you need anything handmade, let me know and I will get you her info! His bedding is just sort of thrown in there right now so I could take the picture because his sheet is in the wash!

I don't know why this picture is so bright and neon looking. I'm too lazy to get up and take another one though! My sweet husband made the shelves out of an old door and I refinished his dresser. The changing pad cover was made by the same great seamstress and his sweet Aunt Macy did his initials on the top shelf. The Noah's Ark (I know you can't really see it) was brought back from Africa by his Aunt Tori!

Clayton and I made the piece on the wall out of an old window frame. The "K" painted on there doesn't show up very well in pictures...but it's there! We are going to put 2 of his newborn pictures in the other 2 squares.

The sign in the shelf is from his Great Grammy and all of the little things were Clayton's and mine when we were babies. He has a huge basket full of books, so let's hope he likes reading as much as I do! The precious stool on the floor is from Mimi (another of his great grandmothers)! This child is so blessed to have 4 great grandmothers and 3 great grandfathers in his life! Oh, and the super handsome fedora is from Gigi (my mom)!

All of his furniture were pieces that we refinished, and the same seamstress recovered the glider cushions!

Monday, November 28, 2011

37 Weeks!

Oh my goodness I am so ready to have this baby! I am really starting to get uncomfortable. I have a doctors appointment this afternoon, so pray for more progress! (: Here is a comparison of the last 3 weeks. He still looks lower at 35 weeks than he does today! Come on Knox! Let's get this show on the road!

And here is just 37 weeks, just for fun! Everytime I look at these pictures I check out my butt. I've never had a butt before! And I very much enjoy the fact that my boobs look really small since my stomach is so huge. That has also never happened! Am I making you uncomfortable yet? I know you all just checked out my butt AND my boobs.

Happy Monday! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

36(ish) weeks!

Not too much to share with you this week, which I guess is why I was a slacker at the beginning of the week and didn't post anything! I'm still feeling great and just waiting around for Knox to make his debut. I go back to the doctor Monday, so I'm hoping to have made at least a little more progress.

I had my last baby shower last weekend and it was SO much fun! My precious friends put a lot of effort into making it so very "me." Everything had mustaches and bowties on it...absolutely adorable! I did actually remember to take my camera, and then someone was taking a picture for me and said "you know this doesn't have a memory card in it, right?" Ugh. Of course it didn't! I am ready to have my brain back! So as soon as someone shares some pictures with me, I will share them with you! We got pretty much everything else we needed for our little man and we made a trip to target Saturday night to get the very last of it! I think we are all set!

I got his bedding over the weekend too and I am so in love! It is perfect! I am waiting on the glider cushions to be recovered and the changing pad cover and then everything will be complete and I will share his nursery with you! I absolutely love it!

We went to the Agape Feast at church last night. I should have taken a picture of my two (yes, TWO) plates full of foood. It was like a pregnant woman's heaven. Amazing. I can't wait for tomorrow and do it all over again! I have always loved Thanksgiving, but it holds a special place in my heart stomach this year!

Then we have Black Friday at the store! It's also our first birthday weekend! I cannot believe we have been open a year. Sure doesn't seem like it's been that long! Jessica and I have learned so much over the past year and look forward to using that knowledge to make the coming year even better! I've been trying to get all of my ducks in a row and make sure I don't leave anything unfinished. My biggest fear is that I'm going to work myself into labor this weekend! That would be totally fine, I just want to make sure I have everything done before that happens! It's going to be a crazy weekend, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

I guess that's about it! I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! Here is a comparison between 35 weeks and 36 weeks 3 days (today). I wanted to see if he had dropped. Oddly, he looks lower last week than this week!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

35 Weeks!

Yesterday was a very productive pregnancy day for me! I worked yesterday morning and then went straight to the hospital to turn in my pre-registration paperwork. My doctor has asked me for probably a month and a half if I have been to pre-register and every time my answer is "No, but I promise I'm going to get it done!" Well, yesterday I still hadn't, so I went right before my doctors appointment and got it done. (: 

My doctors appointment was great! She started checking me yesterday and I am 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced. This excites me, even though I know I could stay this way for weeks...but hey, progress is progress! I am measuring 36 weeks and she told me that at this point if I go into labor she won't stop me. Craziness! So anytime in the next 5 weeks our little man could make his appearance! I'm hoping for about a week before his due date. But whenever he wants to come is really fine! When I left there I went for my LAST round of lab work (except what they will do in the hospital)! Hallelujah! I just counted and I have had SIX sets of blood work done during this pregnancy. I think that's enough to last me the rest of my life. Although I do have to say my fear of needles has dissipated a little, so that's a plus!

The nursery is SO close to being finished, and as soon as it is I will post pictures! I just have a few small things left to do and it will be ready. Clayton worked his butt off Sunday afternoon to help me get all of the big stuff done. Have I ever told you how thankful I am for my husband? The car seat base is also installed in the car and ready to go. It's weird to look in the back seat and see it. It's all starting to seem real!

I have my last baby shower this weekend that my dear friends are hosting. I know it will be so much fun and I can't wait to get all of Knox's things put away! It's getting so close! We have our last childbirth class today. And by last, I mean second because we skipped out on last weeks. Oh well! This is the one where the pediatrician comes and talks and they talk about car seat safety and SIDS and things like that, so I think it will be beneficial. I guess that's about it! It's just a waiting game now. (: Here is my 35 week picture (if you missed it on Facebook)!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pregnancy Dreams.

I have always heard that pregnancy gives you crazy dreams. I've definitely had a few weird ones now and then, but nothing too terribly crazy. Until last night! Let me just tell you about this dream I had...

I was living in this really swanky apartment in some big city. I walked out the front door and there were these two girls standing outside. We figured out that we were all going the same place, so I offered to drive them. So we all get in the car and head out to wherever it was we were going. A little while into the car ride, we were all of a sudden walking down a busy street. We walked for awhile and then one of the girls said "Oh, we need to get our bikes. We are getting to all the bridge construction." So then we were magically riding bikes. We got to the "bridge construction" and started riding across through all of these cones and areas covered in black plastic. Well then magically I was no longer on my bike and I was climbing this bridge (that was somehow upright now) and it was covered in spaghetti. Yep, spaghetti. A guy behind me yelled "Hey! You lost your bike!" so I stopped and he climbed up and brought my bike to me. So then I had to continue climbing through the wall of spaghetti with my bike in tow. When I finally got to the top, I was wearing a really nice cocktail dress and heels and definitely didn't look like I had been climbing through spaghetti. We were at a party for the president of Russia. Now, I have no idea if there is even a president of Russia, and if there is what he looks like. But he was certainly there. And he had a crown and a superhero cape and a giant boil on his neck (nasty). Aaaaand then I woke up because I had to pee. I so wish I had stayed asleep to see what else was going to happen.

So there's a fun story for you for the day. Happy Thursday! It's beautiful outside!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

34 Weeks, A Wedding and A Baby Shower!

34 weeks...seriously?! Oh my goodness, oh my GOODNESS! Just typing that out seems crazy. In 6 weeks or less (as big as this child is, I'm so not going past my due date...even if I have to beg and scream) Knox will BE HERE!! I am so exited/nervous/scared/ready/ecstatic...I feel like I go through every emotion there is every single day when I think about him being here so soon.

We started childbirth classes last week. It was interesting to say the least. Everyone had forewarned us that they show really graphic videos. Yeah, that was no joke. Clayton informed everyone that he saw a woman poop (he used a different word) out a baby. That was seriously what one of them looked like. I had to explain to him later that every video we watched was of a women going through natural, drug free childbirth. I have no intentions of even trying for that...I am totally pro-epidural. So it won't be like that for me. I think that made him feel better. I am terrified of needles, but I am so much more terrified of horrible pain. At the end of the class the lady told us to bring 2 pillows and a blanket next time so we could practice comforting techniques. Clayton asked if we had to go to that one. I told him we didn't...I have a Junior League meeting anyway. I think he was quite relieved that we didn't have to go practice things we won't even use in front of a room full of strangers!

We went to a wedding this weekend and had so much fun! The bride was a friend from high school and she was absolutely beautiful! We had so much fun dancing at the reception. I got tired really quickly, but it was fun to be able to act like my normal self! I am so thankful to be feeling so good. I even wore heels! And danced in them too! Okay, they were really wedges...but close enough for a pregnant woman! I, of course, took like 2 pictures...none of which show anything about the wedding. I have got to be better about taking pictures. Here are a few for you!

I also had a baby shower this weekend! It was SO much fun and now our house is full of baby things! It is so weird and so exciting to see all of Knox's stuff everywhere. I have loved putting all of his things away in his room. We got so much great stuff and it makes me that much more excited for him to be here!! One thing that has made me laugh so much...we got this video monitor that I registered for. A friend of mine told me it was the very best so I just went with it without even really reading about it. Yesterday when I was unpacking everything, I figured I should open it and make sure it worked properly. Well, it took me about half an hour to figure out if it even worked at all! It is so fancy and I had no idea how to work it! I even read the directions! I finally figured out and I know it is going to give me so much peace of mind when he is sleeping in his own room. It's almost like I'm in there with him! Technology amazes me.

Last but not least, here are today's 34 week 2 day pictures for you! I know you can pretty much tell in the pictures from this weekend, but figured I should have my regular picture too! Not the best clothes today aren't great picture taking clothes but it will have to do!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


November always reminds me of everything I am so very thankful for. Most people do something they're thankful for every day on Facebook or something. I'm too ADD for that. So I'm going to share the things I am thankful for with you all at once!

I am so very thankful for a loving, merciful God. He teaches me new things every day and loves me unconditionally even when I don't get it or mess up. I have truly come to view him as my Heavenly Daddy.

I am thankful for my amazing husband. There are so many things that I would never make it through without him. I didn't post about our anniversary, but I can't believe we have been married for a year! The past year has been crazy and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Everyone told us that the first year would be the hardest. If this is the worst we will ever have to go through, we should have a pretty stellar marriage!

I am beyond thankful for our precious Knox. I am thankful that God chose ME to be his mom. Some days I still can't believe it. I ask God all the time if he's sure I can do this. Of course, He knows I can. He wouldn't have given Knox to us if he didn't! WE get to raise one of God's awesome is that?! I love this little boy so very much already and I know my heart is just going to be so full of joy when he gets here!

I am thankful for my family. My immediate family and my in-laws. They do so much for Clayton and I, and they are all going to be the very best grandparents and aunts/uncles!

I am thankful for wonderful friends. I am truly blessed with the best friends a girl could ask for. I can call any of them for advice about anything or even just to vent. They are always there no matter what!

These are the things in my life that I am most thankful for. Here are a few more: my job. Claytons job. our home. our country. our animals. our church. beautiful days. rainy days. our small town. my life experiences, good and bad. our health.

Okay, I'll stop there. I'll do a pregnancy update tonight night after my baby shower (YAY!)!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Brace Yourself.

This is going to be an insanely long post! If you make it to the end, I'll be impressed. But don't say I didn't warn you! Last week was slightly insane, so I will catch you up on my exciting life starting last Sunday.

We had our very first shower...a diaper shower hosted by some dear friends of Clayton's family. We had such a wonderful time and got TONS of diapers!! (I apologize for the poor quality of all the pictures in this post. They were all taken with my phone.)

It is all really starting to seem real. Knox will be here so soon (more on that later). We are so appreciative of all the diapers and I know they will prove to be invaluable! I wish I had more pictures from that night...but it just didn't happen!

Monday and Tuesday weren't terribly interesting, so I'll share this cute picture of Tucker instead.

I'm thinking there will definitely be some jealousy issues with a baby in the house. He is definitely used to being the baby. He was abused by a man when he was a puppy, so he's a little skittish around men anyway, but I'm surprised Clayton hasn't given him a heart attack this week. Yes, Clayton is one of those sports fans who yells at the television. So with the World Series going on, you can just imagine. Tucker has been scared out of his mind, and I found him in our bedroom like this one night while we were watching the game!

Wednesday was a wonderful/sad day. How can a day be wonderful and sad all at the same time you ask? Well, let me tell you. Our precious family friend, my mom's best friend Lynne, fought a very valiant battle with cancer for 9 months. She went home to be with Jesus on Wednesday evening. The selfish part of me was sad because I can't imagine her not being here. The Christian part of me was praising God because she is sitting on his lap living the good life in Heaven. She was one of the most phenomenal women I have ever known. She wanted more than anything for everyone to know how much Jesus loved them and how much SHE loved them. My brain is going crazy with all of the things I want to tell you about her. She was kind, genuine, funny, loving, supportive, a great listener and the last to pass judgement. My precious mom spent every one of Lynne's last days by her side. We were talking Saturday night and mom said "You know, one of the hardest things for me is that she won't get to know Knox." I held it together then, but as soon as I got in the car to drive home I just lost it. That has been the hardest part for me, but I've felt so selfish about it. I can't imagine her not being a part of my son's life, as she has been such a huge part of mine. I want to be sure we always tell him about her and I can't wait for him to meet her in Heaven one day. Lynne's husband, Robert, passed away unexpectedly five years ago. They were such a great example of a Godly marriage. They loved each other so very much, but most importantly they put God at the center of their marriage. They were such a fun-loving couple, and I can't help but smile knowing that Lynne is up there dancing with Robert. It's so bittersweet for us left on earth, but Lynne WON her battle! She received the ultimate healing and is celebrating with her groom, her heavenly Daddy and all of those who have gone before her! And as my mom put it, she is enjoying the best party of them all. (:

Jessica was reading Heaven is for Real a couple of weeks before Lynne passed away. She was talking about how it made such a difference in her view of Heaven and how personal it really is. So of course I had to read it. Oh how right she was! If you haven't read it, you definitely need to. It is a short, easy read and I finished it in 2 nights. It gave me such an appreciation for what is truly means to have child-like faith. I've always known that as I've gotten older I've been more and more jaded by the things of the world, but to see Heaven through a child's eyes makes me realize just how jaded I am. One of my very favorite parts of the book is when the dad asks his son if he knows why Jesus died on the cross. The dad was surprised when his son nodded his head and said "Well, Jesus told me he died on the cross so we could go see his Dad." How simple is that? All God wants is to have a relationship with us and for us to join him in Heaven when our time comes. Why do we add so much to that? After I finished reading it I was laughing and talking to Jessica about it and I was telling her how funny I think it is that we think of Heaven as this very proper majestic place where God sits on his throne and we stand in front of Him and have a very serious conversation. In reality, Heaven will be the most beautiful, amazing place we have ever seen and God wants nothing more than for us to run and jump in his lap and tell Him how happy we are to see him! I definitely read this at the right time and I know Lynne is sitting up there in God's lap laughing and asking Him if her outfit is the cutest one in Heaven (which I'm sure it is).

Jess and I have also talked a lot about the difference in sadness about death between believers and non-believers. How do you explain to someone who doesn't know Jesus that you are thrilled for your brothers and sisters in Christ when they leave their earthly bodies without sounding hard-hearted? Believers are sad that they are without their friend. Non-believers are sad because the person has died. I've thought so much about this over the past week, and I still haven't come up with an answer. I want people to know God and be able to rejoice with me when someone goes to Heaven! It's a GOOD thing! In fact, it is the BEST thing! My mom has shared a verse from 2 Corinthians a lot over the course of the last few weeks. It says this:

For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies. While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it's not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life. 2 Corinthians 5:1-5

How amazing is that?! God has our perfect body waiting for us when we die. I want everyone to be able to celebrate a friend getting their perfect heavenly body! Okay, are my thoughts scattered enough for you yet? I have so many things running through my head and my ADD is making it so hard to write out!

Moving on now.

Thursday was the Power of Pink luncheon. My mom's one year anniversary of her mastectomy was in August. It's been so difficult for her to celebrate being cancer free when her best friend was battling terminal cancer. It was a hard morning to be at a cancer luncheon with Lynne having passed away not even 24 hours before. They showed a video of so many people around town who cancer has affected. I guess the actual video isn't online anywhere, but it was to this song:

Of course our whole table just boo-hooed like babies. Jessica and I were laughing about the fact that we used our cloth napkins like snot rags before we even ate our lunch! Nasty, I know. The luncheon was great and the speaker was amazing! Her name was Mary Pierce and she has written a few books that I definitely want to read: When Did I Stop Being Barbie and Become Mrs. Potato Head?, When Did My Life Become a Game of Twister?, and Confessions of a Prayer Wimp. She was hilarious and such an inspiration!

My mom also had her seasonal furniture upstairs at the store starting Thursday. If you've never seen any of her pieces you can see her blog Beautiful Things Out of the Dust or find her on Facebook Beautiful Things.

By Friday I was totally worn out from the rest of the week and all I could think was "Dr. Moyers would kill me if she knew what all I had done this week." So, I took it easy Friday. I worked for a little while and then went home (or at least that's how I remember it...I'm sure I managed to keep myself at least a little busy somewhere in there). Friday evening was the visitation for Lynne. Her precious daughter Blaire has been such a trooper. She is such a strong young woman. She has been forced to grow up so quickly and she has done it with such grace. I had to laugh Friday night though because I hugged her and said "You doing okay?"and she said "Eh, you know." I said "Yeah, I'm sure you are so tired of people asking how you are." and she said "Well yeah. I'm not going to say fine, or good. What am I supposed to say: shitty?!" To say she has been amazing through all of this is such an understatement.

Saturday morning was the funeral. I had prepared myself for a long, emotional morning. I was quite surprised when it was anything but that! My father-in-law put it perfectly when he said "At first I felt weird saying this, but that was probably the coolest funeral I've ever been to." And it was! It makes me laugh because everyone keeps mistaking the word "wedding" for "funeral." But how fitting? Lynne was reunited with her earthly groom and got to meet her heavenly groom! The service was perfect. My mom spoke and I was ready with my tissues because I just knew she was going to lose it in the middle of talking and then I would follow suit. But she didn't! I know Lynne was so proud. Mom's words could not have been more perfect and more fitting and they honored Lynne so well. The whole service was so Christ-filled. I don't know what else to say except that it truly was perfect and exactly what Lynne wanted!

Sunday afternoon Clayton and I worked more on the nursery. It is ALMOST done! I got his quilt this weekend and I absolutely love it! I can't wait for the rest of his bedding to be done! My wonderful friend Aubree also brought me a tub FULL of clothes from when her son was younger. I am pretty sure Knox's wardrobe has now doubled in size and he has some new adorable things that I can't wait for him to be able to wear!

Aaaand that brings us to this week (finally)! I took the day off yesterday (thanks Jess) and attempted to rest a little since I have a doctors appointment this week. That didn't really happen...but it was nice to be able to get a few things done and go at my own slow pace.

Today I had another elective ultrasound at AC. I have loved getting to see my little boy so much! And by little, I mean HUGE. His head is still measuring big (ginormous). Thirty-six weeks to be exact. Yeah, I'm only 32 weeks. Oh my! He is 4lbs 7oz (give or take a little), his ears still stick out and he has even more hair! My mom and Clayton both got to go today, so that was special. My mom hasn't gotten to feel him move yet (he is so stubborn) so I was so happy she got to see him! The instructor was trying to show mom his face before she had to go back to school and she just couldn't get it. She said I am "wall to wall baby" and he had his face buried in my hip. Yikes! Their estimates show that he will arrive December 5th. Oh my!!! She did say that as you get further along those estimates aren't as accurate, but still! That is just a little over a month away! I guess that's about it (sigh of rambling is over). I have a doctors appointment Thursday. Say a little prayer that my blood pressure is still okay! Oh, and I've had to stop wearing my wedding ring. It's driving me nuts! I feel so naked. But at least I made it this long with it. Here is my 32(ish) week picture for your enjoyment!

If you made it to the end of this, congratulations! I'm impressed. (:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Doctor's Appointment

I went for my LAST monthly appointment today! Knox's heartbeat is good and I am still measuring right on track. Most importantly, my blood pressure was down a little from last week-so that was good! It is still elevated, but it's not going up so she seemed satisfied with that. She told me I still had to slow down though and that I couldn't take that as a cue to pick back up where I left off a week ago. It's so hard with the store. I hate putting things on other people, and knowing that I'm going to be gone during the very busiest time of the year right before Christmas makes it so much harder. But it is what it is! As my good friend Katie just told me, I can either give up a little bit now and be okay until he gets here, or keep going and end up on bedrest and have to give it all up! Good point Katie! (:

That was really all I wanted to report...but I did want to document this conversation I had with Clayton last night so that I can look back on it and laugh:

Clayton: I might miss a playoff game this weekend!
Me: You're missing one right now aren't you?
Clayton: Yes, but I know you want to watch your shows so it's okay.
**Fast forward 2 hours when a news commercial comes on saying they will have highlights from the game on the 10pm news.** 
Clayton: WAIT...they really did play tonight?!
Me: Uhh yeah...I wasn't joking earlier!
Clayton: I just thought you didn't know what you were talking about and I was trying to make myself look better than I actually when I told you I didn't want to watch it!

He was so mad at me for posting it on facebook but I just couldn't help it! I was cracking up! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Monday, October 10, 2011

There's Nothing Better Than Out-Eating Your Husband.

Yes, you read that correctly. I have officially started to out-eat Clayton. We had Chinese takeout, and after I finished my entire meal in 5 minutes I looked over to see this:

Yeah, that's right...Mine is the one on the right. I have no shame.

We worked all afternoon yesterday on the nursery. And by we, I mostly mean Clayton. The walls are almost done and we got his dresser moved in. I hung up the rest of his clothes and cleaned up a little bit. Hopefully the rest of it will come together pretty quickly!

Also yesterday afternoon, I discovered just how white trash we are. Awhile back Clayton kept teasing me and telling me that he was going to start cutting Tucker's hair himself because he thinks it's ridiculous to pay $60 to have the groomer do it. I kept telling him he better not. Well, one afternoon I got a text that siad "Well, I think Tucker feels a lot better. I gave him a haircut." I couldn't wait to get home to see what he had done to my poor dog. I was pleasantly wasn't THAT bad. He's cut his hair one other time since then (which wasn't so bad either), and decided yesterday that it was time for another haircut. Well, I guess Clayton got some confidence in his dog grooming abilities because he went to town.

Oh, and yes-that IS our kitchen island. I told you-white trash. He doesn't usually cut the hair on his face, but like I said, he gained a little confidence. This was the end result.

I just can't even help but laugh! This picture doesn't even do it justice. He looks absolutely ridiculous. And of course Clayton thinks it is hilarious. Poor baby dog.

You can kind of see the rest of him here...but still, doesn't do it justice. You can also have a little sneak peek at the color of Knox's room! (:

I can't believe Knox will be here in 10 weeks or less! We had a little "scare" (it scared everyone else more than it did me) last week. I'll spare you the details, but I ended up at the doctors office last Tuesday with a UTI and "elevated blood pressure." She told me I'm doing too much and I have got to slow down. I told her that was easy for her to say, and she informed me that if I don't and my blood pressure continues to go up that she will put me on bedrest. So I just keep reminding myself of that. I'm still feeling great other than not sleeping much. I figure that's just getting me prepared for when he gets here. I go back to the doctor Thursday for my monthly appointment and hopefully my blood pressure will have gone down. After that I start going every two weeks! Craziness. Here I am at 30 weeks!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

29 Weeks!

Look at that, I'm actually remembering to post at the beginning of the week! I'm on a roll lately. I can't believe I am 29 weeks pregnant! I feel like I repeat myself over and over again...but I honestly cannot get over how fast time is flying.

I don't really have a whole lot to share. I am still feeling great, but sleeping is starting to get really uncomfortable and I get SO hot at night. It's ridiculous. I am such a cold natured person, so that is completely foreign to me. We left a few windows cracked last night because it was so cool out and Clayton got up in the middle of the night and turned the fan down. I was so mad because I was sweating! Then I realized how cold it actually was in our room. I'm definitely not a fan of all this hotness.

I think my hormones are really finally started to get all out of whack. I have definitely been emotional my whole pregnancy, but I'm having hot flashes and some mood swings and that sort of thing. Clayton just loves it. But I think I've been pretty good through most of my pregnancy...surely we can survive these last 11 weeks!

My weight gain has leveled off at about 14 pounds, which I gained pretty quickly, but then I kind of stopped gaining again. If I can keep it under 30 I'll be happy! Even if I gain the expected pound a week for the rest of my pregnancy I'll only be up to I'm not too worried about it.

My next doctor's appointment is the 13th and then I start going every two weeks. It's really starting to sink in that Knox will be here SO soon. We have GOT to get his nursery done. Hopefully it will start to come together soon.

I guess that's it! Here's a 29 week picture for you. I don't feel like I've really changed very much over the past few weeks!

Friday, September 30, 2011


Well, I just wanted to document that I had my first ever (yes, EVER) case of heartburn last night. I have been teasing Clayton about being an old man because he takes his zantac or whatever it is every morning. I guess I got what was coming to me!

For starters, I haven't really been feeling all that great this week. I don't know if I got a little stomach bug or if I'm just getting a little nauseousness with my third trimester, but the past few days it seems like everything I eat upsets my stomach.

So last night I was laying on the couch watching all of my ABC shows (yes, all three hours worth) after I ate dinner and I kept having this burning feeling in my throat. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what it was and it was very uncomfortable. So I consulted Dr. Google. He told me it was heartburn. I texted Clayton and said "I think I have heartburn...what do I do?!" He of course thought this was funny and told me to take Tums. I then proceeded to ask another dumb question-"Will it make me throw up?!" I never claimed to be domestic. (This is also coming from the wife who asked in the grocery store the other day if you have to put ice in jello when you make it yourself instead of buying the little individual containers of it.)

Still no news on my glucose test. I guess no news is good news?! Let's hope so! Happy weekend!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Washed By The Water

Daddy was a preacher
She was his wife
Just tryin to make the world a little better
You know, shine a light

People started talking
Trying to hear their own voice
Those people tried to accuse my father
Said he made the wrong choice

Though it might be painful
You know that time will always tell
Those people have long since gone
My father never failed

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

Even if the Earth crumbles under my feet
Even if the ones I love turn around and crucify me
I won't never ever let you down
won't fall, won't fall, won't fall as long as you're around me

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh My.

I went today for an ultrasound at our local junior college. They offer scans so that the students can practice, so of course I signed up! I just laid there for about an hour looking at my sweet boy! The instructor kept coming over and telling me how "beautiful" his heart is. It made me smile. I already knew our man had a beautiful heart, but knowing that it's beautiful physically too makes it that much better!

Everything is measuring right on track (which makes me hopeful for the results of my glucose test from yesterday). Everything, that is, except for his HEAD!! Oh my gosh it's HUGE! His abdomen measured a little under 28 weeks (which is a little smaller than expected) and his head is measuring almost 31 weeks!! Yikes. And he still has 12 more weeks to grow!

His little ears also stick out and he has quite a bit of hair on that big ol' head. I told the girl doing my scan that he was probably going to look just like his daddy. When I texted Clayton after I left he said, "Yep, JUST like his daddy!" Clayton's head was huge when he was a kid.

The scan ended up being about an hour and I loved getting to just sit there and watch him! He is transverse now (sideways) so I guess he is slowly making his way to being head down. I didn't really get to see his face because he slept through most of it and had one of his arms over his face. He lays just like I do! I always have one arm above my head. It is so neat to be able to see the things that he does that are already so similar to things that Clayton and I do. I am so in love!

Monday, September 26, 2011

12 Weeks Left!

In two very short weeks (not even) I will be 30 weeks pregnant. Wow! I can't believe it! Thirty is another one of those milestones that has been in the back of my head, and I am ALMOST there! I am getting more and more excited (and nervous) for our little man to be here. On days when I'm at home, I'll be doing something and think, "In a few months Knox will be right here next to me!" Clayton and I are going to be parents! How scary is that?! (:

I went for my glucose test last week. And failed. I have no idea by how much, but I had to go this morning for the three hour test. Let me tell you, it was not fun. My doctors office was supposed to call in my orders Friday, so I got up bright and early this morning and was getting ready to go and thought "I should call and make sure I'm in their system" because my doctor's office doesn't open until 8:30. Good thing I did, because they couldn't find me in their computer. Sooo I waited around the house until 8:30 and called and the nurse told me it was definitely in there, but that she'd get it taken care of by the time I got to the lab. So I got there about 9 and there were so many people there. I had already been up for 2 hours with nothing to eat at this point. I finally got back for my first blood draw at 9:30. Then it was time to drink the horrible orange drink. As I was opening the cap the lady says "Oh, be careful, that one is twice is strong as the one for the one hour test." Nasty. It was like pouring a cup of sugar down my throat. So off I went to the waiting room to wait for THREE hours. Every hour the drew more blood. They blew the vein in one of my arms-which is hard to do because I have REALLY good that was pretty special. I had 30 minutes left and I was sitting in the waiting room willing myself to not throw up-because if I did, I had to start all over. I survived, and my precious husband had a big greasy hamburger waiting for me when I got home. (: The whole experience was miserable to say the least, but like I told Clayton: If this is the worst thing I have to deal with in this pregnancy (which so far, it definitely is) then I really have nothing to complain about. I don't know when I will get my results, but hopefully I passed this one. I'm not sure my poor arms can handle anymore needles anytime soon!

While I was sitting there, I found out that one of my dear friends is having a little GIRL at the end of February! I am so excited! She has one precious little boy and I know this little girl will be just as sweet!

We haven't gotten very much more work done on the nursery. I hope we have it done by the time he gets here! At least most of the painting is done.

We are gearing up for busy season at the store, and it seems to be starting already. Things have been a little crazy around there. We have a big event this weekend called Lufkin's Bistro. They shut down our street and have food and wine vendors all up and down the block. We had such a blast last year, but the store wasn't open yet. We definitely have prime real estate for this year and we are so excited! Lufkin has really come a long way over the past few years.

I guess that's about all I have to report! Time still seems to be flying by and really, I hope it doesn't slow down. I'm ready for Knox to be here! Here is my 27/28 week picture (just in case you didn't see it on facebook) because I am too lazy to get up and take another one for you right now. (:

Friday, September 16, 2011

Third Trimester Already?!

Oh my third trimester starts SUNDAY! I cannot believe it! Our sweet boy is going to be here in no time. I can't wait!

Clayton is really able to feel and see Knox moving around these days. I love seeing his face when he can see him moving. I can't wait to see him hold his son for the first time. It makes me teary eyed just thinking about it! Thank you, pregnancy hormones.

There is nothing really new to report. I had my monthly doctors appointment yesterday. She has this fancy new ultrasound machine that she doesn't really know how to use yet, so yesterday she had the lady that sold it to her there to show her some things. Well, lucky for me, I was the first appointment of the day so I got a little bonus ultrasound out of the deal! I absolutely love seeing his little face and hands and feet and his precious heart beating strong. I am so in love! Who knew you could love someone that you've never met SO much?

My doctor told me that he looks just perfect and he is measuring exactly on schedule. He is breech right now though and he is WAY over in my left side with his head right under my ribs. I guess he's cozy there! She said we'd check on him again at my next appointment and see if he has decided to flip over yet. She wasn't concerned and said she wouldn't worry about it until 34 weeks. So if she's not worried, neither am I!

The nursery is ALMOST done being painted! I love the color. I am also dropping the fabric off this evening for his bedding to be made. I painted his dresser over the weekend too! Eventually it will all come together. I can't wait to share pictures when it's done!

I guess that's about it! I wish my life was as boring as it seemed. It's just that nothing I do is worth writing about. (: Here is my picture for this post! We'll just call it 27 weeks. I've been such a slacker!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy.

I think I say in every post that life has been crazy. I seriously feel like the past couple of months have been a complete whirlwind. I'm pretty sure I said in my last post that my doctors appointment was this week. I guess I was just willing time to go by even more quickly, because it's not until next week. After that, I'm pretty sure I start my bi-weekly appointments. Craziness! I cannot believe we have made it this far. There are 99 days left until Knox's due date. 99 days! When am I going to get everything done?! I might have told you in my last post that we started painting the nursery. And yeah, that's still as far as we've gotten.

Yesterday I worked from about 9am until almost 11 last night. We had a fashion show with all of the retailers downtown. It was SO much fun but it was also SO much work! We are so thankful to have other people downtown with us now that want to do fun things! The coffee shop hosted the event, and we had a full house. Here are a few pictures of our fab models...

These precious girls modeled our girls line. They are so much fun and they had a blast! We were worried about sending them down the first time because no one knew how they would react. Well, they came back all giddy and excited and changed into their next outfit and said "Okay, we are ready! When is it our turn again?!" 

Precious Paislee came to support us too! She will be out there modeling for us in a few years. I can't believe how big this sweet girl is getting! It is so true that they grow up way too fast.

I can't believe I am almost 26 weeks pregnant. I am so thankful to still be feeling great, and I know Clayton and Jessica are too! My third trimester starts next week and I think that's when I'll probably start to panic a little bit. Everyone keeps asking if I'm nesting, and my reply is "no, I'm panicking!" Not because I'm scared for him to get here, but because I have so much to do before he does! I'm hoping to make some progress on the nursery this weekend. I can't wait to have it done! I did order the fabric for his bedding this week and it should be here any day. I'm ready to have that made! It's going to be adorable. We also have to go do our registry. We did one on amazon because I knew that would be an easy thing for people to be able to do from home, but we need to go do Target too. I've done some of it online, but maybe we can knock the rest of that out in the next few weeks too. In the midst of all of this, there are SO many events in the next couple of months either for the store or for a good cause or for someone we know. I don't think there is an empty spot on my calendar between now and Knox's due date. Okay, I've rambled enough. Here is my gorgeous picture for this post. I haven't felt much like getting out of my PJ's yet this morning. (: Since I'll be 26 weeks Sunday, we'll just call this 25/26 weeks.