Thursday, August 15, 2013

Feeling Thankful and Ready for Fall.

Clayton and I always talk about all of the places we want to visit. I've wanted to take him to Southern California to hangout with my uncles and visit my old stomping grounds for as long as we've been together. Like most people, finances always held us back. Well, that dream is now a reality and we are headed to sunny SoCal for Thanksgiving this year! I could not be more excited. There are so many things I want to show he and Knox and share with them from that season of my life. This is one of my favorite pictures I ever took while I was living there and every time I plan a visit, I look at this and get so giddy! This time is no exception. I love my life in Texas and wouldn't give it up for all the world's riches, but a piece of my heart will always lie on this beach and I am beyond excited to share it with my family!

When I got started with Rodan + Fields, I just assumed it would be a nice little bit of extra money each month. You know, enough for us to go out to eat a few times, maybe pay a couple of small bills. I could have never imagined what it would actually be. I never thought that within less than a year I would be booking a trip on a whim without thinking twice about it. I never imagined that I'd be a full time stay at home mom and spend so much time with Knox. I was talking to Tori today and will be able to help fund her doing some things during her time in the mission field of Madagascar that before I would have just had to pray someone else could fund. God has truly blessed this little side gig and today I am feeling extra thankful for that!

And on a completely unrelated note, I wore this super cute pair of camo flats today in honor of the slightly cooler weather. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit excited about the camo trend for next season. Come on, fall!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Life as of Late

So I made the decision to start blogging again...and then life got crazy. No big surprise there. So here's a little update on how life is going in the Pavlic household these days:

  • We laid Clayton's precious grandmother to rest a couple of weeks ago. It was a sad and joyous occasion. She will be dearly missed here on Earth, but we are so happy that she is dancing with Jesus and is no longer suffering. She loved Knox more than life and I am so thankful that he got to spend the first year of his life with her. I will treasure the pictures for a lifetime and I can't wait to show them to him when he gets older and tell her all about what an amazing woman she was.
  • I went to Houston last week to help my grandmother get some things done. Clayton had to go take some classes for work anyway, so we made it a family trip and took Knox down to Galveston on Saturday. I am L O V I N G having such a flexible schedule and that I can just up and go to Houston at the drop of a hat if that's what I want to do. I thank God for that little blessing pretty often. Knox is such a little fish and he loves the beach. It was rainy and cloudy when we first got down there, so we went to Murdochs and The Strand first. We ate at Rainforest Cafe and Knox had a BLAST! I was on the fence- I knew he would either love it or hate it. He loved all of the animals and we went on the Rainforest Ride and he had so much fun pointing out all the animals. It's crazy how quickly he is growing up!
  • Today, Knox has decided that we are celebrating Christmas in August. He found all of his Christmas PJs and we've had at least 4 outfit changes this morning so that he can wear ALL of them. This kid...