Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm Not a Very Good Blogger.

So I said I was going to start blogging again. I guess that means once every few months! I like blogging, I guess I just forget. So now to catch you up on our life...

If you didn't already know, Knox is going to be a big brother in April! To say he is excited...well let's be honest, that would be a lie. When we talk about the baby, he talks about a puppy. He is convinced he's getting a puppy. He has come around a tiiiiiny bit, but I figure we've got a few more months to work on it. He will at least talk to the baby now. It is the sweetest thing. He gets right next to my stomach and YELLS "Hi baby! I'm Knox! You big brother! I love you!" We will see if he still feels the same way once the baby is actually here.

He is growing up so insanely fast. I can't believe that he will be two in December! He talks so much and is really starting to look like a little boy. I am so thankful to be able to stay home with him and really get to experience him growing up. I NEVER in a million years thought I would be a stay at home mom. I wanted to work. Now I can't imagine life any other way. I love the stage he is in right now and I'm trying to soak it up as much as I can. He is so funny and he just continues to crack me up with the off the wall things he says. The other day he told me "Auntie Jess funny. Uncle Russell peepee in the potty. Pop and Mac shopping buggy. GG BIG hug!" It was just totally out of the blue, but Uncle Russell, I'm sure glad you've learned to peepee in the potty.

All that being said, being his mom is just plain HARD some a lot of the time. I wouldn't trade my strong-willed, hard headed child for anything because it makes him who he is (which, let's face it, is me made over), but goodness gracious there are days I could just pull all of my hair out. He is SO particular. About E V E R Y T H I N G. I mean, we are talking everything. He freaks out if I come in the bathroom while he's in the bathtub because Daddy is supposed to give him a bath. Mommy, apparently, is supposed to be in the kitchen. If dinner is cooking and I come in the living room, he says "Mommy! Kitchen!" Clayton thinks it's absolutely hilarious and says that he just already knows where a woman's place is. You're hysterical, honey. His latest obsession is his cowboy boots. We got him a cowboy hat awhile back because he had been asking for one for probably a month. I figured if he remembered for that long that he wanted one, It was probably worth it. So now we've got the boots and the hat, and we wear them everywhere. Even as adorable as I try to dress him, I'd be lying if I said his cowboy obsession doesn't make me smile. 

My ten year high school reunion was a few weeks ago. Ten years. Seriously?! Absolutely nuts! We had a great time and it was so nice to spend time with people that I don't get to see often enough. 

Four weddings, two babies (with two more on the way), one cross country move, a new dog, six big girl jobs and ten years later. And that's JUST in this picture. It really is crazy how quickly time flies! We missed everyone that couldn't make it.

I guess that's probably enough of an update for today. I really am going to try to be better about blogging and not having mile long posts! I know, I say that every time. Here is an adorable picture of Knox to hold you over until next time! xo