Friday, July 26, 2013

Back to Blogging.

Wow. Knox was two and a half WEEKS old the last time I blogged! Goodness. I decided today that I feel like I have a lot to say, so it was probably time to start blogging again. :) Don't get too excited- I don't have anything life altering to say. I just need a place to spill all my random thoughts. Maybe if I can get them all out of my head before bedtime, I will be able to get to sleep before midnight! Here is a quick rundown of what has happened since my last post:
  • Knox turned one in December.
  • Clayton and I turned 28 this year.
  • I became a Rodan + Fields consultant in January.
  • Jessica and I closed the Blithe Boutique storefront in April to be a trunk show/online business
That's really about it. Our lives aren't very exciting. So now that you're all up to date, I will try to post more often! Basically, get ready for my crazy ramblings, my hot friggin mess of a life and my horror hilarious stories about raising a 19 month old monster!