Friday, September 30, 2011


Well, I just wanted to document that I had my first ever (yes, EVER) case of heartburn last night. I have been teasing Clayton about being an old man because he takes his zantac or whatever it is every morning. I guess I got what was coming to me!

For starters, I haven't really been feeling all that great this week. I don't know if I got a little stomach bug or if I'm just getting a little nauseousness with my third trimester, but the past few days it seems like everything I eat upsets my stomach.

So last night I was laying on the couch watching all of my ABC shows (yes, all three hours worth) after I ate dinner and I kept having this burning feeling in my throat. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what it was and it was very uncomfortable. So I consulted Dr. Google. He told me it was heartburn. I texted Clayton and said "I think I have heartburn...what do I do?!" He of course thought this was funny and told me to take Tums. I then proceeded to ask another dumb question-"Will it make me throw up?!" I never claimed to be domestic. (This is also coming from the wife who asked in the grocery store the other day if you have to put ice in jello when you make it yourself instead of buying the little individual containers of it.)

Still no news on my glucose test. I guess no news is good news?! Let's hope so! Happy weekend!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Washed By The Water

Daddy was a preacher
She was his wife
Just tryin to make the world a little better
You know, shine a light

People started talking
Trying to hear their own voice
Those people tried to accuse my father
Said he made the wrong choice

Though it might be painful
You know that time will always tell
Those people have long since gone
My father never failed

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

Even if the Earth crumbles under my feet
Even if the ones I love turn around and crucify me
I won't never ever let you down
won't fall, won't fall, won't fall as long as you're around me

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh My.

I went today for an ultrasound at our local junior college. They offer scans so that the students can practice, so of course I signed up! I just laid there for about an hour looking at my sweet boy! The instructor kept coming over and telling me how "beautiful" his heart is. It made me smile. I already knew our man had a beautiful heart, but knowing that it's beautiful physically too makes it that much better!

Everything is measuring right on track (which makes me hopeful for the results of my glucose test from yesterday). Everything, that is, except for his HEAD!! Oh my gosh it's HUGE! His abdomen measured a little under 28 weeks (which is a little smaller than expected) and his head is measuring almost 31 weeks!! Yikes. And he still has 12 more weeks to grow!

His little ears also stick out and he has quite a bit of hair on that big ol' head. I told the girl doing my scan that he was probably going to look just like his daddy. When I texted Clayton after I left he said, "Yep, JUST like his daddy!" Clayton's head was huge when he was a kid.

The scan ended up being about an hour and I loved getting to just sit there and watch him! He is transverse now (sideways) so I guess he is slowly making his way to being head down. I didn't really get to see his face because he slept through most of it and had one of his arms over his face. He lays just like I do! I always have one arm above my head. It is so neat to be able to see the things that he does that are already so similar to things that Clayton and I do. I am so in love!

Monday, September 26, 2011

12 Weeks Left!

In two very short weeks (not even) I will be 30 weeks pregnant. Wow! I can't believe it! Thirty is another one of those milestones that has been in the back of my head, and I am ALMOST there! I am getting more and more excited (and nervous) for our little man to be here. On days when I'm at home, I'll be doing something and think, "In a few months Knox will be right here next to me!" Clayton and I are going to be parents! How scary is that?! (:

I went for my glucose test last week. And failed. I have no idea by how much, but I had to go this morning for the three hour test. Let me tell you, it was not fun. My doctors office was supposed to call in my orders Friday, so I got up bright and early this morning and was getting ready to go and thought "I should call and make sure I'm in their system" because my doctor's office doesn't open until 8:30. Good thing I did, because they couldn't find me in their computer. Sooo I waited around the house until 8:30 and called and the nurse told me it was definitely in there, but that she'd get it taken care of by the time I got to the lab. So I got there about 9 and there were so many people there. I had already been up for 2 hours with nothing to eat at this point. I finally got back for my first blood draw at 9:30. Then it was time to drink the horrible orange drink. As I was opening the cap the lady says "Oh, be careful, that one is twice is strong as the one for the one hour test." Nasty. It was like pouring a cup of sugar down my throat. So off I went to the waiting room to wait for THREE hours. Every hour the drew more blood. They blew the vein in one of my arms-which is hard to do because I have REALLY good that was pretty special. I had 30 minutes left and I was sitting in the waiting room willing myself to not throw up-because if I did, I had to start all over. I survived, and my precious husband had a big greasy hamburger waiting for me when I got home. (: The whole experience was miserable to say the least, but like I told Clayton: If this is the worst thing I have to deal with in this pregnancy (which so far, it definitely is) then I really have nothing to complain about. I don't know when I will get my results, but hopefully I passed this one. I'm not sure my poor arms can handle anymore needles anytime soon!

While I was sitting there, I found out that one of my dear friends is having a little GIRL at the end of February! I am so excited! She has one precious little boy and I know this little girl will be just as sweet!

We haven't gotten very much more work done on the nursery. I hope we have it done by the time he gets here! At least most of the painting is done.

We are gearing up for busy season at the store, and it seems to be starting already. Things have been a little crazy around there. We have a big event this weekend called Lufkin's Bistro. They shut down our street and have food and wine vendors all up and down the block. We had such a blast last year, but the store wasn't open yet. We definitely have prime real estate for this year and we are so excited! Lufkin has really come a long way over the past few years.

I guess that's about all I have to report! Time still seems to be flying by and really, I hope it doesn't slow down. I'm ready for Knox to be here! Here is my 27/28 week picture (just in case you didn't see it on facebook) because I am too lazy to get up and take another one for you right now. (:

Friday, September 16, 2011

Third Trimester Already?!

Oh my third trimester starts SUNDAY! I cannot believe it! Our sweet boy is going to be here in no time. I can't wait!

Clayton is really able to feel and see Knox moving around these days. I love seeing his face when he can see him moving. I can't wait to see him hold his son for the first time. It makes me teary eyed just thinking about it! Thank you, pregnancy hormones.

There is nothing really new to report. I had my monthly doctors appointment yesterday. She has this fancy new ultrasound machine that she doesn't really know how to use yet, so yesterday she had the lady that sold it to her there to show her some things. Well, lucky for me, I was the first appointment of the day so I got a little bonus ultrasound out of the deal! I absolutely love seeing his little face and hands and feet and his precious heart beating strong. I am so in love! Who knew you could love someone that you've never met SO much?

My doctor told me that he looks just perfect and he is measuring exactly on schedule. He is breech right now though and he is WAY over in my left side with his head right under my ribs. I guess he's cozy there! She said we'd check on him again at my next appointment and see if he has decided to flip over yet. She wasn't concerned and said she wouldn't worry about it until 34 weeks. So if she's not worried, neither am I!

The nursery is ALMOST done being painted! I love the color. I am also dropping the fabric off this evening for his bedding to be made. I painted his dresser over the weekend too! Eventually it will all come together. I can't wait to share pictures when it's done!

I guess that's about it! I wish my life was as boring as it seemed. It's just that nothing I do is worth writing about. (: Here is my picture for this post! We'll just call it 27 weeks. I've been such a slacker!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy.

I think I say in every post that life has been crazy. I seriously feel like the past couple of months have been a complete whirlwind. I'm pretty sure I said in my last post that my doctors appointment was this week. I guess I was just willing time to go by even more quickly, because it's not until next week. After that, I'm pretty sure I start my bi-weekly appointments. Craziness! I cannot believe we have made it this far. There are 99 days left until Knox's due date. 99 days! When am I going to get everything done?! I might have told you in my last post that we started painting the nursery. And yeah, that's still as far as we've gotten.

Yesterday I worked from about 9am until almost 11 last night. We had a fashion show with all of the retailers downtown. It was SO much fun but it was also SO much work! We are so thankful to have other people downtown with us now that want to do fun things! The coffee shop hosted the event, and we had a full house. Here are a few pictures of our fab models...

These precious girls modeled our girls line. They are so much fun and they had a blast! We were worried about sending them down the first time because no one knew how they would react. Well, they came back all giddy and excited and changed into their next outfit and said "Okay, we are ready! When is it our turn again?!" 

Precious Paislee came to support us too! She will be out there modeling for us in a few years. I can't believe how big this sweet girl is getting! It is so true that they grow up way too fast.

I can't believe I am almost 26 weeks pregnant. I am so thankful to still be feeling great, and I know Clayton and Jessica are too! My third trimester starts next week and I think that's when I'll probably start to panic a little bit. Everyone keeps asking if I'm nesting, and my reply is "no, I'm panicking!" Not because I'm scared for him to get here, but because I have so much to do before he does! I'm hoping to make some progress on the nursery this weekend. I can't wait to have it done! I did order the fabric for his bedding this week and it should be here any day. I'm ready to have that made! It's going to be adorable. We also have to go do our registry. We did one on amazon because I knew that would be an easy thing for people to be able to do from home, but we need to go do Target too. I've done some of it online, but maybe we can knock the rest of that out in the next few weeks too. In the midst of all of this, there are SO many events in the next couple of months either for the store or for a good cause or for someone we know. I don't think there is an empty spot on my calendar between now and Knox's due date. Okay, I've rambled enough. Here is my gorgeous picture for this post. I haven't felt much like getting out of my PJ's yet this morning. (: Since I'll be 26 weeks Sunday, we'll just call this 25/26 weeks.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

24 weeks! (okay, really almost 25. Slacker.)

Well, we've made it to the point where Knox is considered viable! If he were to decide to make his appearance now, they would put him in the NICU and give him a chance. This was the week that I've secretly been waiting for. I can't begin to imagine going into pre-term labor, but knowing that my baby would have a fighting chance gives me more of a sense of peace about the rest of my pregnancy!

I don't really have anything fun to report. Oh wait, yes I do! Clayton was finally able to feel/see him moving around! We were laying in bed one night last week and I told him that Knox was moving around like crazy so he put his hand on my belly and watched very intently and all of a sudden (right as Knox kicked) he said "Right there! I saw it! Did he just kick right there?!" And he had! It was so wonderful to watch his face light up. I know it's so much harder for this to all seem "real" to him because he doesn't get to experience what I do every single day.

I guess that really is about the only exciting thing. My next doctors appointment is next week. And I have to take my glucose test. I've been panicking about that and trying not to eat so many sweets. (: We also have to have a discussion about my hips. She told me a few months ago that my hips didn't seem to be growing. Considering I don't have any hips to start with, she was a little concerned about them not being big enough to deliver him. We haven't talked about it anymore, but I was looking in the mirror yesterday thinking that my hips looked almost inverted compared to my ever-growing belly. So I whipped out the measuring tape, and sure enough-they haven't even grown a centimeter! So I guess I'll ask her about that. Okay, that really is all. Here is my 24 week (and a few days) picture!