Sometimes being a mom is just plain hard. Agreed? No one ever talks about their hard days. It takes me back to the whole "fakebook" fad a little while back. We are so quick to post how cute our kids are being or how beautiful the day is and how much we are enjoying it. I'm equally as guilty as the next person.
Here is my reality:
Last Thursday, I picked Knox up from MDO and he was happy as could be. He came home and took a nap, woke up, and we were going to go to Clayton's parents for dinner. I got him dressed and we were just about ready to go. He was in the bathroom and all of a sudden came running out scratching at his tongue. I thought he had put soap in his mouth or something, so I set him on the kitchen counter and started trying to look in his mouth. About ten seconds later he started projectile vomiting alllll over the counter. We are talking exorcist style. And it went on and on and on. He finally stopped and I was able to get him in the bathtub to clean him up. Clayton wasn't home because he was already at his parents doing some work for them. I called him freaking out because I didn't really know what to do, and honestly, I didn't know how I was going to clean up the ridiculous amount of vomit on my kitchen counter. Those that know me well know that I DON'T do vomit. I got him bathed and he seemed to be okay. Then he decided he wanted pancakes. Blueberry pancakes. So, I gave them to him. Within fifteen minutes they were all over the floor. And all over me. Back to the bathtub we went. I let him play in there while I washed the pancakes out from between my toes. Clayton came home about that time, so lucky him, he got to clean up the pancake mush on the floor. He threw up a couple more times and then asked to go to bed. That NEVER happens. I put him to bed just knowing that he would be up all night. Thankfully, he slept straight through the night. I thought maybe that meant the bug was behind us, but unfortunately that wasn't so.
The next morning his precious aunt decided that donut holes would be a good breakfast choice. So of course, we saw those again a little while later. After Friday morning though, everything seemed to be heading in the right direction. Thankfully, no more throwing up. Not so thankfully, the liquid filled diapers continued. I won't go into detail, but Clayton had to bathe Knox as soon as he woke up Sunday morning. I'll just leave that one to your imagination.
Fast forward to yesterday (Monday). My dad kept Knox yesterday morning for a couple of hours so I could get some things done. I got a text about an hour into it telling me that he had already changed two awful diapers and his shorts were in the washer. Great. I picked him up, we came home, and he pretty quickly went down for a nap. He woke up with another awful diaper. I changed him, and about five minutes later another one. Changed him again, and immediately, you guessed it ANOTHER one. I was DONE at that point. I thought my head was going to explode if I had to change one.more.diaper. Liquid filled diapers, at that. We rescheduled dinner at Clayton's parents for last night, so after all the diapers and a few fits in between, we finally headed out. Halfway there I heard (and smelled) another one. The smell was so awful that I KNEW it had to be everywhere. So we pulled into a parking lot where I proceeded to throw away the shorts he was wearing. We finally showed up for dinner with Knox and a diaper and me with quite a few new gray hairs.
So today, my house is a wreck, the sink is full of dirty dishes, I have two weeks worth of laundry to catch up on and I had to keep Knox home today. Sometimes, being a mom is just plain hard.
None of this was meant to complain. Even on the hardest days, I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. But being a mom is usually not glamorous and my kid is pretty much never
perfect even remotely well behaved. Does that mean I love him any less? Nope. If anything, most of the time I have to turn around so he doesn't see me laugh. Did I mention that the stomach bug probably came from his new found love for laying on the floor in the middle of public places? You know, super clean places like WalMart. Yeah, that's my life on a daily basis.
So yeah, being a mom to a rough and tumble, rambunctious, wild 21 month old little boy is rough. It's definitely not all rainbows and unicorns. But I love it. I mean, who could resist this?