- Stickers. He absolutely HATES stickers. I don't know what it is about them, but he doesn't like them on anything. Every Sunday when we get to church, we go to the check-in kiosk to check him in. And every single Sunday as soon as we walk up he says, "no get mine sticker!" because he does NOT want the sticker on his back. There can't be stickers on his cups, anything. When all the nice little ladies at the grocery store ask him if he wants a sticker his eyes get huge and he yells "NO!!!" and it's only a little embarrassing. I have no idea where this hate for stickers came from.
- For the longest time he referred to himself in the third person. "Knox tummy hurts." But now we've moved on to "mine." "Mine tummy hurts, momma."
- One of his newest words is "together." It's so fun to hear him start speaking in longer sentences. He tells us all the time, "Let's dance together!"
- He's also starting to figure out what "I'm sorry" means, but he doesn't quite have it down. He apologizes for EVERYTHING. And he does it in the most pitiful voice you've ever heard. I assure you, you'll give him whatever he wants if you ever hear it. "Oh, I'm sorry Mickey Mouse went bye bye momma."
- Another one of his latest things is, "Oh, okay." When you tell him something he will always matter of factly answer, "Oh, okay."
- He does this little inflection thing with his voice that absolutely cracks me up. It's usually when he wants something he knows he can't have. He gets this mischievous little grin on his face and says, "I want CAAAANDY?" with this really high pitched inflection on candy. It gets me every.single.time.
- He wants to be naked all.the.time. He will get really excited about going somewhere and then immediately tells me he doesn't want to get dressed. It is an act of congress to get him dressed every day. He immediately strips his clothes off the second we get home every day!
- He LOVES to dance. He started telling us awhile back, "I GOTTA dance!" and now that he knows we think it's funny he says it all the time.
- He is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and can tell you anything about any of the characters on the show.
- He has picked up this eye rolling thing. It is the most hilariously obnoxious and frustrating thing I've ever seen. I don't even know how to describe it. When you get onto him, he closes his eyes and you can tell that he's rolling them and like flutters his eyelids at you. You just have to see it. Maybe one day I can secretly get it on video.
- He really likes to tell you that he will "be right back." The other day he said, "Oh! I forgot! I be right back!" I'm not sure what he forgot, but he disappeared for a bit and showed back up empty handed.
- He has become quite the momma's boy lately. I don't know if it's because he knows his world will be rocked in a couple of months or if it's just from spending so much time with me, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't secretly love it!
I guess I'll stop there for now. I don't document too many things (you know, first tooth, first steps, first word...all those things that good moms keep up with), so I want to try to occasionally make note of things that our kids do! Aaaand that means you get the joy of sharing in that.
And to prove just how much of a mess he is, here is a lovely picture for you. He was hanging out with his Auntie Jess today and she sent me this picture and told me that he gathered up all sorts of things in his basket, and got on the horse and told her that he would be right back and was riding the horsey to the grocery store.