Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Latest.

Everything around here is great! I am STARTING to feel better, which is nice...and I'm hoping that the next 2-3 weeks will be the end of the feeling bad all together and I will get my energy back!

We went to Fort Worth to see Britton last weekend and to see his fab new house. I also got to go to my dearest friend Macy's senior exit show (which was amazing...she is so super talented!). We got to see some friends and their precious twin boys. It was great to catch up with them. Clayton and Britton worked most of the weekend getting the rest of Britton's things moved from his other house...and I mostly laid on the couch and did nothing. Bum. (:

Yesterday was my monthly doctors appointment. It wasn't anything too terribly exciting. She DID do another ultrasound though, so that was fun! She said it was because she wanted to see the heart beat (even though we saw it at the hospital last week). When I got into the room, I realized that her new fancy ultrasound machine had I'm pretty sure she actually just wanted to play with that. But that was A-okay by me because I got to see our sweet little olive (that's how big it is this week) again! Baby P still had a strong heartbeat and was actually moving around a little bit this time!

Last but not least, here is this weeks picture of my not-so-pregnant looking belly! 9 weeks, 3 days. Enjoy!

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