Monday, November 10, 2014
A Glimpse into Poverty.

Saturday, November 8, 2014
All the Judgy Parenting.
Can't we all just get along and live in peace and harmony? Okay, maybe that's a little extreme. But friends, for the love. Can't we at least just embrace our differences and stop all this judgy parenting?
I feel like every time I turn around someone else has posted a judgmental parenting blog post/article/status on Facebook. Or even better, when someone posts something that they think is sweet or they can relate to, and someone posts a judgy comment on that.
We all parent differently. We are all different.
Does that make your parenting style the right one? No. No more than it makes me dragging my screaming child into the McDonald's bathroom to spank him yesterday the "right" parenting style.
Yes, I spanked him. Gasp. Maybe you don't believe in spanking. That's okay. I do. And that's okay too.
Sometimes I give my kid Oreo's for breakfast. Because you know what? I don't feel like fighting with him.
Sometimes I let him watch ten episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in one day. Because I need to get some things done.
Sometimes I let Gavin watch TV. Because some days it's the only thing that keeps him from crying.
Sometimes we eat McDonald's and Chick-fil-A in the same day. (Maybe we did that yesterday.) Because I need to get out of the house.
Sometimes I throw random parties for him and a couple of his friends because I know it will absolutely make his day. Because I adore every inch of him and want to do things for him that he loves.
Sometimes I sit and snuggle with him and the baby on the couch instead of cleaning the house. Because I know that far too soon he will be too big to snuggle.
Maybe my house is a total disaster almost all the time. Because sometimes there are just things that are more important. And because I live with Hurricane Knox.
Sometimes he wears a bandana and a fireman hat to school. Because he just wants to.
Sometimes he shows the most amazing childlike faith and trust in God you've ever seen. Because really, we are good parents and do our best to raise our kids to be Godly people.
I don't go into the play place with him, because he has to learn to do things on his own.
I don't help him climb up the really high areas of the playground. And it's not because I'm lazy, so I don't need you to look judgingly my way while you help him either.
Maybe I'm sitting on the park bench playing on my phone while he plays and the baby sleeps. Because 85% of my conversation during the day is with a toddler. Sometimes I want to feel like an adult.
I don't make him give a toy to another child just because he/she wants it, because that is not real life. I do make him give it back if he takes it from them instead of blaming it on him being a child and not understanding.
Here is the most controversial one:
Sometimes, I let him play with my phone. But wait, I'll do you one even better. He has his own iPod (which is really just my old phone). Yep. You read that right. My two year old has his own iPod.
He is incredibly smart. And I'm not saying that in a "my child is a genius" sort of way. It's just a fact. He is very, very smart. He has tons of education apps that he absolutely adores.
You know what he has learned from them? The alphabet. And the sound each letter makes. And within the next six months I have a sneaking suspicion he will start reading.
And numbers. And shapes. And animals.
And your mind would just be blown at how much he knows and how well spoken he is.
Don't get me wrong, he learns a LOT at Mother's Day Out. A whole lot.
But the fact of the matter is, I do not sit down and teach him these things. I am not a teacher. It is not my gift. We talk about things, but I do not teach him other than by our conversations and his observations of my life.
Maybe you sit down every day and do an alphabet lesson with your toddler. Maybe you homeschool your kids. I applaud you. Your parenting style is different than mine and I have so much respect for you.
But it doesn't make me a bad mom because I don't do those things.
Maybe you don't give your kid Oreo's for breakfast. Or at fast food. Or let them watch TV. Or let them have a phone at age two.
Maybe you do sit in the play area and climb around the playground equipment with your kids instead of playing mindlessly on your phone.
Maybe you make sure your house is clean before sitting down on the couch with your kids.
But you know what? It's okay. We are all okay.
We are all doing the very best we can to raise tiny humans to be good big humans. And we all do it differently.
My parenting style doesn't have to look like yours. You don't even have to like mine. And who's to say I like yours? But that doesn't matter. You do what works best for you and your children. And vice versa.
Why can't we all just start respecting those differences and that we are all a mess?
And we just pray that by God's saving grace our kids will all turn out okay. And that's really the best we can do for them.

I feel like every time I turn around someone else has posted a judgmental parenting blog post/article/status on Facebook. Or even better, when someone posts something that they think is sweet or they can relate to, and someone posts a judgy comment on that.
We all parent differently. We are all different.
Does that make your parenting style the right one? No. No more than it makes me dragging my screaming child into the McDonald's bathroom to spank him yesterday the "right" parenting style.
Yes, I spanked him. Gasp. Maybe you don't believe in spanking. That's okay. I do. And that's okay too.
Sometimes I give my kid Oreo's for breakfast. Because you know what? I don't feel like fighting with him.
Sometimes I let him watch ten episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in one day. Because I need to get some things done.
Sometimes I let Gavin watch TV. Because some days it's the only thing that keeps him from crying.
Sometimes we eat McDonald's and Chick-fil-A in the same day. (Maybe we did that yesterday.) Because I need to get out of the house.
Sometimes I throw random parties for him and a couple of his friends because I know it will absolutely make his day. Because I adore every inch of him and want to do things for him that he loves.
Sometimes I sit and snuggle with him and the baby on the couch instead of cleaning the house. Because I know that far too soon he will be too big to snuggle.
Maybe my house is a total disaster almost all the time. Because sometimes there are just things that are more important. And because I live with Hurricane Knox.
Sometimes he wears a bandana and a fireman hat to school. Because he just wants to.
Sometimes he shows the most amazing childlike faith and trust in God you've ever seen. Because really, we are good parents and do our best to raise our kids to be Godly people.
I don't go into the play place with him, because he has to learn to do things on his own.
I don't help him climb up the really high areas of the playground. And it's not because I'm lazy, so I don't need you to look judgingly my way while you help him either.
Maybe I'm sitting on the park bench playing on my phone while he plays and the baby sleeps. Because 85% of my conversation during the day is with a toddler. Sometimes I want to feel like an adult.
I don't make him give a toy to another child just because he/she wants it, because that is not real life. I do make him give it back if he takes it from them instead of blaming it on him being a child and not understanding.
Here is the most controversial one:
Sometimes, I let him play with my phone. But wait, I'll do you one even better. He has his own iPod (which is really just my old phone). Yep. You read that right. My two year old has his own iPod.
He is incredibly smart. And I'm not saying that in a "my child is a genius" sort of way. It's just a fact. He is very, very smart. He has tons of education apps that he absolutely adores.
You know what he has learned from them? The alphabet. And the sound each letter makes. And within the next six months I have a sneaking suspicion he will start reading.
And numbers. And shapes. And animals.
And your mind would just be blown at how much he knows and how well spoken he is.
Don't get me wrong, he learns a LOT at Mother's Day Out. A whole lot.
But the fact of the matter is, I do not sit down and teach him these things. I am not a teacher. It is not my gift. We talk about things, but I do not teach him other than by our conversations and his observations of my life.
Maybe you sit down every day and do an alphabet lesson with your toddler. Maybe you homeschool your kids. I applaud you. Your parenting style is different than mine and I have so much respect for you.
But it doesn't make me a bad mom because I don't do those things.
Maybe you don't give your kid Oreo's for breakfast. Or at fast food. Or let them watch TV. Or let them have a phone at age two.
Maybe you do sit in the play area and climb around the playground equipment with your kids instead of playing mindlessly on your phone.
Maybe you make sure your house is clean before sitting down on the couch with your kids.
But you know what? It's okay. We are all okay.
We are all doing the very best we can to raise tiny humans to be good big humans. And we all do it differently.
My parenting style doesn't have to look like yours. You don't even have to like mine. And who's to say I like yours? But that doesn't matter. You do what works best for you and your children. And vice versa.
Why can't we all just start respecting those differences and that we are all a mess?
And we just pray that by God's saving grace our kids will all turn out okay. And that's really the best we can do for them.

Monday, September 8, 2014
House Plans
If I said I haven't had time to blog lately, I'd be lying. The truth of the matter is, I am totally and completely exhausted. An almost three year old and a five month old is no joke, folks. And have I mentioned that the five month old hates me sleep? So there's that.
A lot of you have asked where Clayton and I are moving. So I thought I'd answer that for you. You might be wondering why that takes an entire blog post. Well here you go...
We have gone back and forth on what we want to do a million times. I grew up moving from house to house every couple of years. My parents mom enjoyed flipping houses, so that's what we did. I didn't know any different. Clayton on the other hand, only lived in a few houses throughout his life. The one he spent most of his childhood in, his parents still live in. He loves that place. It sits on 35 beautiful acres outside of town, and to him that is home.
We have talked in the past about building a house somewhere else on that land, but it was always just an idea. It really boiled down to us just not being able to make a decision.
Fast forward a couple of years.
A few months ago, I started having really strong convictions about materialistic things. I have never been the person who had to have the best of the best or was always wanting something better. I consider myself to be a pretty simple person. Even still, I was feeling very convicted. We kept talking about how we needed a bigger house and we needed more land, and I just didn't have much peace about it.
I finally realized that we don't need a bigger house. We have two small children who are constantly under my feet, regardless of where I am. We eat dinner together as a family at the table. We spend our time together in the living room. We don't have TVs in any of our bedrooms. We don't even go into our bedrooms until it's time for bed. Really, we have plenty of space.
I spent a lot of time praying for God to guide us in the direction he wanted us to go. We knew it was getting to be time to move, we just didn't know where. We knew we would eventually end up in Diboll, and I want Knox to start school there if that is where he will end up.
A lot of people have preconceived notions of what it means to be a stay at home mom. The reality is, Clayton and I make a LOT of sacrifices for me to be able to stay home. We are a blue-collar, one income family. Our budget doesn't always work out on paper, but the Lord has provided for us for the almost two years that I've been staying home full-time. I wouldn't trade the time with my boys for anything, but sometimes the financial unknown is a scary thing.
We have so much to be thankful for, and we remind ourselves of that daily. We have a roof over our heads and we never go hungry. That's more than a lot of people can say. In 2012, 46.5 million people were living in poverty in the US. That is the largest number in all 54 years that the census has measured poverty. That is mind boggling. 46.5 million people.
Even still, it is so easy to get caught up in wanting more.
So there came another conviction. We could be doing so much more to help others. I finally realized that what I was really wanting, more than anything, was to not be tied to a mortgage anymore. I wanted the freedom to do more. Take our boys to see more things without worrying where the money was going to come from. But most importantly, I wanted to do more to help others. Those 46.5 million people living in poverty right in our own country. Every cent of our income goes to some bill or expense, and we decided it was time to change that. Our largest expense is our mortgage. So why not start there? I realize that sounds crazy. Stick with me.
Clayton got such a great deal on the house we are currently living in and we have put a whole lot of love and sweat equity into it. We stand to make a pretty good profit off of it when we do sell it. I looked at him one day a couple of months ago and said "I think we could build a house with the profits we make off of this one." He looked at me like I was crazy.
The more we talked, the more he understood my vision. He is incredibly handy. I am very resourceful (and handy). We can do a lot of the work ourselves. We can build a house that is big enough to suit our needs. In a few years, as we can afford it, we can add on the "extras" that we want.
We are so fortunate in that Clayton has incredibly generous, giving parents. When we presented our idea to them (which involved building said house on their land) they didn't even blink an eye before saying "absolutely."
We will be in the place that Clayton considers home. Knox will start school where we want him to. We will have a house that will meet our needs at this point in our lives. God provides.
So this is our little piece of paradise. It doesn't look like much now, but I can't wait to share the progress once we get the land cleared and get started!
And so the title of my blog holds true, everything I love is at the end of a dirt road.

Monday, July 14, 2014
What I Think About Your Boobs.

Monday, July 7, 2014
Gavin's Birth Story
We finally got into our postpartum room around midnight, and I immediately sent Clayton for food. I hadn't had a single thing to eat since the night before, and I was starving. Pickings are slim at midnight, so we settled for Jack in the Box. A hamburger and curly fries has never tasted so good!
They brought Gavin to us for just a little bit so I could feed him and love on him and then we took him back to the nursery so we could try to get some sleep.
The next morning, all I could think about was getting Knox up there to meet him. We decided to let him go on to school so that we didn't totally disrupt his day and Clayton would pick him up and bring him to the hospital. We had visitors throughout the day, so that helped to pass the time.
It was finally time for Clayton to get Knox and bring him to meet his brother and my heart literally felt like it was going to burst. I could not wait for Knox to get there! And instead of telling you how it went, I'll just let you see for yourself. These are unedited (because who has time for all that with two kids), so you get the whole three minutes of video!
This semi-sweetness also took place.
And then there were four. And our hearts were full.

Saturday, July 5, 2014
puj Splash Review
When I was pregnant with Knox, a friend recommended the puj
tub to me as an alternative to the traditional bulky infant bathtubs. Before I
even got my hands on one, I fell in love with the sleek, compact and portable
design of the puj tub. Once I did get my hands on one, it was all over. I was
obsessed. When Knox outgrew it, we stored it for our next child and two years
later when I got it back out for Gavin, it was still in perfect shape! That’s
what we’ve been using for Gavin since he was born.
One day I was perusing Instagram and saw that puj was
looking for product testers for a new product, the puj splash. Being the puj
addict that I am, I of course applied. A week or so later I received an email
that I had been chosen! Eeek! I was so excited and watched every single day for
that FedEx package full of goodness. So that being said, here is my product
review of the puj splash.
Out of the FedEx box came this super sleek box showcasing what the puj Splash has to offer, which is: a how-to guide, one puj Flyte tub, three Fresh washcloths, one Hug hooded towel and three Nubs hooks. I was immediately drawn to how the box is laid out. I think it’s very appealing and well designed. The box itself has a handle, which makes it easy to transport.
We have very small bathroom sinks in our house, so our
original puj tub has always been used in the kitchen sink. When I saw that the
Flyte was a little more compact, I got excited about the prospect of it fitting
in our bathroom sinks. When we are trying to bathe both kids at once, we
usually just put Gavin in the bath seat in the tub with Knox. I bet you can
imagine how well that goes. As soon as I opened the box, I immediately had to
see if it fit in our bathroom sinks. And voila! It fit! It was a tight fit, but
it fit nonetheless. I couldn’t wait to get Gavin in to try it out.
To get started, I hooked the Hug towel around my neck with
the easy to use silicone tabs. The whole purpose of it is that you can hook it
around your neck to keep yourself dry hands-free while bathing your baby. You
can then wrap your baby up in the towel easily at the end of bath time. It is
so easy and very convenient, but probably not something I will remember to use
all the time!
Like I said, the Flyte was kind of a tight fit in our
bathroom sink. A tight fit mixed with a massive baby isn’t a great combo. BUT I
did like having the option of bathing him in the bathroom while Knox is
bathing. It’s super easy to setup. It folds in half, so all you have to do is
unfold it and put it in the sink. The drain at the bottom works perfectly to
get excess water out of the tub. I LOVE
how soft the Fresh washcloths are and they are a great size for a big baby in
comparison to a lot of the washcloths I’ve had in the past. Bath time was quick
and easy in the Flyte and I found myself really wishing I had one when both of
my babies were newborns! It’s more compact and a little more stiff and
supportive than the original puj tub.
After his bath, I wrapped Gavin up in the Hug hooded towel.
With it already being around my neck, it was super easy to just pick him up and
wrap it around him rather than having to lay him down somewhere else. Talk
about super soft. I wanted to wrap myself up in it! He usually fusses when it’s
time to dry off, but he just laid there wrapped up in this towel for a few
minutes, no problem. It’s made of thick, ultra-soft cotton, so I think it made
him feel more secure than any of our other towels. Or maybe he just likes how
soft it is. Who knows! All I know is, he looks adorable.
All in all, this puj enthusiast is a fan. I think this is a
great combo of items that would make a great gift for new parents! It is
convenient and easy to use, and let’s face it, who needs anything more
complicated when running on a couple hours of sleep?
If you want your own puj Splash set, you can get one here
AND you can get it for 20% off using coupon code SPLASHTESTER20 through July
31,2014. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Knox's Birth Story

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